The United States, the European Union and 44 others signed Feb. 13 in London a declaration setting forth new efforts to combat illegal trade in wildlife, which is valued at about $19 billion annually and has increased significantly in recent years. This declaration follows the Obama administration’s Feb. 11 announcement of a new National Strategy (see below) to curtail such trade. [source]

In order to decrease these illegal activities, the signatories commit to the following actions:

–          Raising public awareness

–          Ensuring prosection and penalties for criminals

–          Strengthening law enforcement

–          Conducting further research to help combat this issue



The New National Strategy: 

The Obama Administration announced Feb. 11 a new national strategy aimed at countering the “global security threat posed by poaching and illegal trade in wildlife.”

The National Strategy for Combating Wildlife Trafficking establishes three priorities:

      • strengthening domestic and global enforcement,
      • reducing demand for illegally traded wildlife at home and abroad, and
      • strengthening partnerships with international partners, local communities, non-governmental organizations, private industry and others.

Source: STR Trade Report